Acne Awareness Month

Let's Head Back to the Classroom for a Science Lesson
Acne is rooted in hormones called androgens. Everybody has these hormones, the difference is that there are more of them in males than in females. When your body starts to change and go through puberty, androgens are responsible for some of the changes we experience. They're like special messengers that help our bodies change and grow as we get older.
These hormones can affect acne development in two ways. 1. Hormonal activity increases the sebum (oil) production at the sebaceous follicle or 2. Hypersensitivity of the sebaceous glands to a normal level of androgens causes an increase in sebum production.
Basically, the hormones trigger the overproduction of oil leading to clogged follicles or the follicles are super sensitive to even a normal amount of oil and become clogged.
So if acne is a hormone thing where do bacteria and inflammation come in as contributing factors?
Those lovely clogged hair follicles create the perfect home for the growth of the P. Acne Bacteria. The excess oil production lowers the skin's natural pH which contributes to the perfection of this environment for the P. Acne to flourish.
Since everything in life is connected, are you willing to posit a guess as to how inflammation fits in?
Those P. Acne bacteria just love their home in the clogged-filled follicles so much they just can't keep to themselves. They release enzymes that cause localized inflammation in the follicle home, causing the skin to become sensitive, reddened, and swollen, resulting in a pimple.
Until next time, take care of your skin, and don't forget...

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